Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hermann Park

In order to finish the DoF assignment of DIGM 2352, I went to Hermann Park yesterday. I think I took almost a hundred photos under the strong sunshine. But I still enjoyed it. The camera I borrowed this time is cannon t4i. I personally like it very much.

I used lightroom to make it look better. (I love lightroom)
Let me post some photos.

shallow DoF

focus on the middleground

deep DoF

focus on the goose
(the grass and water are out of focus)

this one was an accident.
I didn't expect to capture the drops of water.(just becasu the goose moved out. haha)
But it looks good though =)

shallow DoF
focus on the right grass

I love this adorable squirrel.
I took this photo when I was about to leave.
I approached it slowly and quietly =p

I did enjoy this assignment so much =)

(by the way, does anyone know how to delete the history from google reader?
I deleted some old posts already. But google reader still shows those posts
I have no idea how to delete them?
thanks =)


  1. OMG how did you get such clear pictures with such vibrant color?? No matter how many pictures I took a lot of them came out really grainy and the colors were washed out.
    How did you do it??!

    1. I think it is kinda related to camera. Last week I borrowed cannon t2i, this time I borrowed t4i. You can see the quality is much better. For the color, I think it depends on the light situation and you need to choose a proper f/. One more thing, I used lightroom make the color more obvious.

  2. What beautiful pictures! I love the deep depth of field shot of the fountain and the ones of the water drops came out so clear! Amazing.

    1. I guess because of the shutter speed. I tried manual mode, but it fails. So I switched back Av mode LOL.

  3. These pictures are so crystal clear

  4. You took some nice pictures. I really like the picture of the squirrel.

    1. actually i took bunch of photos of the squirrel, from the beginning to the end of its eating lol

  5. GREAT PICTURES!! yes, the canon t4i is amazing! but i love NIKON!

    1. really? what nikon model you will recommend? maybe i can try next time..

  6. These really are beautiful photos! Great job Siyi!! :)

  7. Someone is so nice to take you to the park for photo-shooting....LOL
